Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week Nine- Second UFO finished!

Today we leave on our trip to Chile.   Since I still have a little time before heading to the airport, I wanted to share my 2nd Finally Finished Object with you.   Some of you may have seen it before the binding was done at the last guild meeting.   Well, I am happy to say that the binding is done and it is safely packed in a suitcase ready to be given to Monica,  my Sister-in-Law.  This project was only about 3 years old, so it was rather new to my UFO stash.  I am glad to be able to cross it off of my list.

Actually, I have the rest of the members of the Finally Finished Challenge to thank for keeping me accountable to my goal of finishing projects.   By agreeing to be UFO chair this year, I became accountable to all of you and am trying to meet my objective of finishing projects.  In this first 9 weeks I have discovered that finishing UFO's has a lot in common with losing weight.   For those of you who don't know me well, in the last 2 years I lost over 50 lbs with Weight Watchers and have so far kept it off for 7 months.  There was a lot of accountability in that for me and now with the challenge I feel it again.  Whenever I blog, it reminds me of my goal of finishing projects and helps keep me focused on the next one.  I may not finish projects quickly, but I am keeping at it.  Sometimes I just get a quilt pinned to the frame.. a little thing, but sometimes I only lost 4 ounces, also a little thing.  But little things add up and accountability to this blog helps me to be accountable to all of you!  And everyone that signed a card for the challenge became accountable to the goal they set.   I hope that you all reach yours.   I will try to post next week from Chile, but until then Chao!--Vicki

1 comment:

  1. Wow - This is really great! I am glad you finished this but I haven't checked the blog in a while and to see all the finishing UFOs of other guild members is amazing. Congratulations to you all!
