Friday, March 18, 2011

Week 8- The Magic of Deadlines

Hi everyone,  I hope this finds you all enjoying the spring weather....I have been using the nice days to get the yard semi-ready for planting, but have been supressing the urge to "dig in the dirt" and plant things until we are back from our trip to Chile.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been working on a quilt to take to my sister-in-law as a house warming gift.  My deadline for completion was this week, and I am pleased to report that even with a second picked out (but much smaller) ball of thread it is finished! And, a couple days early to boot.  For me, there is something about having a hard deadline to meet that makes me find a little more time in each day to work on my UFO's.  Now I have to decide which project to tackle next.   I guess I will decide while I am on my trip.  Based on my success with deadlines, whichever project I pick to work on will have a deadline for helps me focus on what needs to be done.  I think I have always been this way, although while in college there were many things done at the last minute to make the deadline. I did less procrastinating on projects in my work life because of potential consequences and now I am a little better at planning ahead, but deadlines still help!

I think that they helped Patti finish one of her UFO's because she needed to send it off somewhere.  So, deadlines are like magic, they help us to create time and get things done.  Give it a try and let me know if it helps you!

I don't know if I will get a chance to post the next 2 weeks or not because of our trip to Chile, but I will try.  Tuesday we got an e-mail from two of my sister-in laws asking me to teach them how to quilt while we are there.  While they knit, weave and do  other things, quilting is something that is not common in Chile (although I did see a quilt shop in Santiago).  They thought it would be nice to learn something completely new.   I am taking them a rotary cutter, mat, ruler, some fabric and a few ideas for a couple of simple projects.  Wish me luck because I speak a little Spanish and they know a little English which will make things interesting!  Hopefully I can post some pictures from our sewing session.

Until next time, happy quilting.  Best, Vicki

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