Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June already!

Well, friends, after a short break I am back and hoping to be able to find the time to post weekly once again.  May was a whirlwind month for me, and last week had an activity each day!  Needless to say, I haven't been doing a whole lot of quilting, although I have done some.  Even if I can get a little done each day, it gets me closer to finishing something.  Right now I am working on a wall hanging made of orphan blocks that I purchased about 3 years ago in my old NJ guild's annual garage sale.  For a mere $4 I got 8 blocks of yellow flowers in a basket on a navy/black background, as well as additional fabric.  What a bargain, or so I thought!  As I was organizing my fabric I came across the blocks and decided to take a closer look.  Well, the blocks were not very square and the seams were rather uneven, so I tried to see if I could press them and with the help of steam and starch, to square them up.  Three of the blocks would have had to be disassembled and then reassembled, so I decided to use the 5 OK blocks as a wall hanging.   It is turning out OK, but even with my best efforts, there are some flaws, but I actually rather like how it is coming out so I am working on the quilting and hope to have it finished soon.  As soon as it is done, I will post a photo.  Guess the moral of the story is to look over orphan blocks really well,  although in this case the extra fabric was worth at least the $4.

I also finished a  summer purse that was donated for the auction.  Had learned the technique using the twister tool and decided to make something out of the trial rather than having a small piece left over. (See photo)

The second installment of the Finally Finished Challenge continues to produce results.  So far 16 FFO's have been reported  and several of those items have been donated for the auction.  Katie finished some summery pillows and Mona finished a lovely quilt.  Please be sure and let me know if you have completed an item, and if you want to share how long ago you started it, that is always fun too!  Everyone involved in the challenge is  making it a success, and that makes me happy!

So as we start June, try to find some time in the summer to work on a project!  It isn't too early to finish something that could be a Christmas gift .....it will be here before you know it.  Be sure to let me know of your completed items...I love getting those e-mails.   Until next week, happy quilting

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