Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where does the time go?

Hello to all of my quilting friends.  Here it is mid-May and I can't believe how quickly the year is passing.  I am still recovering from my trip north, and when I got back, I decided that before I tried to do any additional sewing I had to get reorganized in my sewing room in order to be able to get anything done!  It was an undertaking I can tell you.....I had new fabric (that I needed like another hole in the head) to put away, fabric left from old projects that needed to be cut into strips and pieces and put away, as well as sorting various pieces of batting, threads and embellishments and finding them a home.  It took about 3 days and it got worse before it got better, but finally, I was able to walk  around easily and actually get some sewing done.  It is much easier to create when the space around you has a sense of order.  This isn't to say that I can't create in chaos, believe me, I can, but I don't get distracted as easily in a neater room which I think makes me more productive.  I have made a concerted effort to pick up at the end of every quilting day, I have to keep at it because as I get older I swear I have adult ADD and get disorganized more easily.  But all I can do is to keep trying.

I am quite excited that as the second  section of the Finally Finished Challenge started that at least 14 UFO's have become FFO's.  What a great start to the second phase of the challenge.   I am hoping that all of the participants can keep working towards their goal.  Take a look at the FFO that Carol completed, so nice.   And please, if you have a photo of your FFO, send it to me so I can include it in my posts.

Until next time, Happy Quilting!

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